Escaping The Mundane

Do you ever have those days when you don't even want to get out of bed? You know, the ones, when you lay there and think "here we go again" or "why even bother?" I remember being so tired of the same thing day in and day out, feeling like the man from the commercial,... Continue Reading →

Nature Gurl Vitamin Water

This is one of my favorite ways to hydrate on a hot summer day. Sometimes  plain old water doesn't quite hit the spot. This fruit infused water is all natural, with nothing artificial added so you can feel great about what you are putting in your body. What could be more natural than fresh organic fruit, loaded with vitamins... Continue Reading →

Mango Pineapple Dressing

This salad was sooo good I couldn't' help but dance as I was eating it! It was like paradise in a bowl! This was my fully raw lunch for the day. And I must say, I loved it. It was refreshing, delicious and completely satisfying. Full of nutrients and live enzymes, this salad is also... Continue Reading →

Wild Berry “Nice Cream” and breaking free from unhealthy food thinking

I used to have a problem with desserts and snack foods. The problem was manly the things or ways that I thought about them. Desserts used to be "forbidden", "bad" for me foods. And I must admit, back then the desserts or treats I consumed were not good for me, full of processed unnatural ingredients, added sugars and artificial whatever. How... Continue Reading →

The No Excuses Workout

I know we are all busy with work, kids, family, friends.....fill in whatever else. We have plenty of valid excuses for not exercising, No time, can't afford a gym membership, don't have any equipment, travelling, etc... Well hopefully this will help some of us out. I have put together my "No Excuses Workout" for all... Continue Reading →

Summer Pasta Dinner

  Today I am dreaming of summer and remembering the taste of fresh picked veggies and herbs strait from the garden. Everything tastes so much better, full of all natural God made flavors, vibrant sun energy, nutrient rich, soil fed flavor. Clean eating at it's finest if you ask me. Fresh herbs add so much... Continue Reading →

What I eat on a typical day

The first thing I get asked when people find out that I am vegetarian is "What do you eat??" I think for a lot of people, all they can imagine is me eating lettuce all day long ( which probably explains why that's what people serve when they find out your vegetarian). The next question... Continue Reading →

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