How To Make Kombucha!

I chickened out of trying to make my own kombucha for a long time. It all started when I sat in on a kombucha making class at a Mother Earth News Fair event. Up until that point I only knew about the end product that I was buying form my local health food store. I... Continue Reading →

Escaping The Mundane

Do you ever have those days when you don't even want to get out of bed? You know, the ones, when you lay there and think "here we go again" or "why even bother?" I remember being so tired of the same thing day in and day out, feeling like the man from the commercial,... Continue Reading →

“Forest Bathing”

Have you heard of it? It may not be what you think...... And apparently there is science to back it up. (And several books written about it) Before about a week ago "forest bathing" was not in my vocabulary, although the idea and practice of it, or something like it has been a driving force... Continue Reading →

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